Create Your Own Soap Recipe
Sorry guys you're going to need a scale
for this one (I use the one at the right) ...No getting out of it...
First pick what oils you want to use... Yes you have to measure them... To do this you must
put the empty container on the scale and hit "tare". Then put your oils or whatever you are measuring in... remember there are 16 oz to a pound.
But after you pick what oils you use... you need to plug them in to the calculator below to find out your water and lye amounts
(Maple Springs Farm superfats at 5%) and make your soap: (if you forget how click on the link below and start with step #1!) This calculator is in Ounces and for Sodium Hydroxide Only!
Create Your Own Soap Recipe |
 pick your oils |
 plug oil amount into lye calculator above in OUNCES |
 use your recipe you created above (don't forget to measure) |
 make your soap |