Step 5. Pour the 2 bottles of olive oil and one bottle canola oil into the melted shortening. You are now ready to mix. By this time, anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hour should have passed. This is enough time for the lye and the oils to cool enough to mix. They still should be warm to the touch on the outside of the pot and pail. Please begin this process within this window! Take your sodium hydroxide mixture and pour it into the oil pot. Take your stick blender and mix. Be sure to mix thoroughly until it comes to a trace. This should take about 3-5 minutes. See the pic below for what it looks like when it traces. Looks sort of like pudding. At this point, you are ready to add your scents and stuff. What I did was I poured about 1/6th of the mixture into a smaller pot (because I had to try all the scents), mixed the scent and stuff (use a big spoon!) and poured it into the pizza box. I slanted the box the one way so that scent all stayed to one side. Repeat until your batter is gone and the pizza box is filled. I took a small amout of the unscented batter and drizzled it on top for color. When your box is full, close the lid, put a blanket over it and put it to bed. Let sit one day. Try and avoid temptation to look - this is when the soap saponifies which means it turns to soap.